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Easter Trail Gallery

Day 1 - Make a cross from different materials

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and Edward

Henry and Edward

Henry and Edward

Henry and Edward

Day 2 - Write or draw anything you are worried about or sorry for on the empty cross

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Day 3 - What can you do to serve or be kind to someone today?  Tomorrow?

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Day 3 - "God Suit On" bonus videos!

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Sorry, your browser is unable to play this type of file. You can still download it

Day 4 - Colour the picture of Jesus having supper with his friends

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Day 5 - Can you make your own Easter story out of Lego or playdough?

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Day 6 - Can you make an Easter Garden?IMG-20200410-WA0000IMG 20200411 133447
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Day 6 - Bonus!  An Easter bonnet with spring flowers and a happy face as Jesus is alive!

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